Building Name: Carnegie Office Park Six
Ownership Entity: Partnership
Leasing Agent: Cynthia Raftis
Property Manager: Kathy Ermacoff
Space Type: Office
Office Zoning: C3
Year Built: 1990
Building Construction: All glass spandrel-4' brick line
Brick Total Building Size (SF): 26,000 sq. ft.
Number of Floors: 2
Space Available: Contact us for area available
Core Factor: 7%-Full Floor - 15%

Max. Contiguous Avail. (SF): Up to 13,000 - Full floor
When Space Available: Immediate or 30 day construction
Electrical Service/Space: Duquesne Light
Water/Sewer: Penn AM Water/Alcosan/Carnegie sewer
Gas: Peoples Gas
Ceiling Height: 10'-1" to bar joist / 11'-7-1/2" to deck
Column spacing: 22' and 27'
Floor Load: 4" concrete
HVAC Available: Roof top units
Sprinkler System: Yes
Loading Facilities: Double Entrance Doors
Parking: 4/1000
Fiber carriers available: Verizon FIOS